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Face-to-Face Contact, Experiencing ET Consciousness, and Human Consciousness Evolution

A TRUE STORY by  Yossi Ronen

Yossi Ronen book ONE

The book "ONE" in Hebrew and English

The Veil Between Worlds: Yossi Ronen’s Encounters with Aliens & Experience of Non-duality

Darren King: Podcast about the book

The book "ONE" by Yossi Ronen recounts the author's transformative encounter with extraterrestrial beings in 1981. Through a mix of out-of-body experiences and direct communication, Ronen explores the nature of consciousness, the visitors' peaceful and loving essence, and the profound impact of this encounter on his understanding of reality and interconnectedness. The narrative reflects on the challenges of integrating such extraordinary experiences into daily life, leading Ronen to a journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Ultimately, the book delves into themes of consciousness evolution, love, and the potential for human transformation through contact with otherworldly beings.

IT has been said that once we know that we are not alone, the greatest revolution in human culture will occur.
My meetings with the visitors showed me that this experience was completely different from the reality we know. This was an encounter with the complete unknown, and during this visit, I feared for my sanity. In those moments I was not able to understand the experience rationally.
Trying to understand what transpired fully has become the project of my life. Communicating with the visitors at that meeting was not like the familiar communications that we normally have, they did not speak to me in words or any language, they shared with me their consciousness. They allowed me to experience their thoughts, feelings … their existence, and perceptions of reality. During our shared consciousness, I could see who we truly are - from their perspective, which is vastly different from our own.
At the beginning of the encounter, I experienced terrible fear, as I overcame it, I experienced the most profound and meaningful content of my life. Content that led to the writing of this book. In the first part of the book, I share the experience of the encounter itself, exactly as it happened, and then the physical, psychological, and mental impact that followed. The second part of the book is written after a gradual journey of understanding the experience and the meaning of communication in depth, a journey that has lasted about 30 years, and still today continues. Years in which the experience of their abstracted consciousness became clear, and the different parts of it merged into one complete picture. Throughout this time, the visitors support and continue to help me, in their unique way, understand what they are, how their vast consciousness sees reality, the special connection between their consciousness and that of us, and most importantly, who we are, and our evolutionary process of consciousness.
I hope that sharing my experiences will help in our shared journey into the new spaces we are going to, one where we realize that we are not alone. I'm not saying I have all the answers, but I'm sure trying to understand.

Headlines from the book reviews on Amazon:



“One of the most important books ever written about Contact with Non-Human Intelligence.”

Reinerio Hernandez, Ph.D.







"This book has the benefit of being written by someone who has thought deeply about his experiences in an honest, intellectual, creative, generous, and respectful way. It is one of the few that allows non-experiencers such as me to grasp a bit of what contact with nonhuman intelligence is like. This book has the potential to advance our collective understanding of the phenomenon."
Dr. Samantha MacBride






 This book is an absorbing and fascinating account by an articulate experiencer.

Joseph M. Felser, Ph.D.






This is a most important personal testament that gives valuable insights into the contact drama unfolding all around us. The limited notion that the "visitors" are only physical beings flying around in "spacecraft" is no substitute for the valuable lessons that Yossi Ronen's journey teaches us.

Dr. Joseph Burkes MD

 “An inspiration to all ET intelligence seekers”
Snir Hadary






A deep and thoughtful look at the nature of Love and the purposeful relationship of humanity to the creator, Almighty God. An intriguing read which I recommend highly. I will read it through again and again dwelling on places marked for further review  and study.

M. E. L.

Extraordinary book!!

Dr. Bob Davis


 “Spot on This is a fantastic book for anyone who wants to wake up and understand what reality and consciousness is.

I cannot recommend this enough!”
Chitter B


“Insightful & Thought provoking!”

 Les D.

“ A Truly Significant Book”
H. Fatir

 “Inspiring actual contact experience”
Eve adamson


 “Riveting and emotional”
Gloria Canning

 “Real and deeply moving”

 “ONE by Yossi Ronen is a must-read!!!”
Estrella Katarina Castillo

 “Don’t be put off by the cover”

“I loved this book. It goes deeply into the
spiritual side of the ET experience.”

Kindle Customer


“To look inside!”

I enjoyed the detail of his experience with the visitors. I found his insight in to the meaning

and value of his experiences was so inspirational and thought provoking.

 This book was much more than I expected.

Reinerio Hernandez, Ph.D.
Dr. Samantha MacBride
Joseph M. Felser, Ph.D.
Dr. Joseph Burkes MD
Snir Hadary
Dr. Bob Davis
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