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Ken Korczak

Jan 21

5 min read

The “Alien” Encounter of Israeli Yossi Ronen Breaks New Ground

One Man’s Lifetime Quest to Understand Encounter with Transcendent Beings

book_revews UFOs

Book review:

Estrella Katarina Castillo

ONE by Yossi Ronen is a must-read!!!

Reviewed in the United States

In August 2020, a friend of mine at Mt. Shasta in northern California had an encounter at a certain location and found himself surrounded by with several beings wearing white robes.

The beings imparted a very specific message. They said that those of us on the surface use the word love lightly, failing to see that every living thing on this planet deserves our love and respect. Every rock, plant, and animal.

I was very touched to find the same message in Yossi’s incredible book. After reading this book, I read Mark 12:29-31 and other scriptural verses in a new light. Instead of just seeing the words “God is One“ on a page, I actually felt the message. The Earth and all of God’s creatures are in our care and LOVE is the eternal glue that binds.

As humans, and in recognition of God’s cosmic plan, we must take care of the Earth and every living thing with the same love and respect we have for ourselves as part of divine creation.

Having studied The Book of Knowledge: The Keys of Enoch for decades, I truly believe the reason for the commonality in these messages is that we are going to witness, likely in our lifetime, a gravitic/magnetic change wherein every single living thing will make a huge leap in consciousness.

As conveyed in this book, the cows feel they are transparent to us. When these changes take place, will we be ready to face and feel the things Yossi felt when he had these profound experiences? The part in the book about the cows is riveting!

People who come to Mt. Shasta want to see extraterrestrials and UFOs but many times they are not ready to hear the core messages that are imparted.

In reading this book I was also reminded of Monroe Institute’s Gateway Voyage, which unifies via sound the two brain hemispheres so as to quiet the chatter between the two so that they ultimately listen as “one” - I don’t practice with it as much as I would like but I can tell you from personal experience that that method alone alters reality! The content of Yossi’s amazing book reminded me of it. I highly recommend this book and the Gateway Voyage!

Katarina Castillo

#experiencer #UFO #UAP


Alejandro Sanchez


Reviewed in the United States on February 22, 2022

5.0 out of 5 stars

Spiritual journey

I came to the realization that for most of my life there was something missing. That missing part of me was my connection to spirit. This book echoes a lot of the self-discoveries I have come to realize through meditation, and dream deciphering. This is a must have for those searching for answers.


5.0 out of 5 stars  Reviewed in the United States on September 8, 2021    Verified Purchase

A lightbulb...

I do not believe I have had contact in any way, shape, or form, with "visitors".
have always harbored these real feelings and ideas of connection and oneness. Although I know these things to be of the utmost importance, my thoughts have been rather scattered and disorganized on the subject. Mr. Ronen does an amazing job of putting it all together. I was able to digest and understand my own thoughts in a way I never have before. Thank you, Yossi, for this experience. I highly recommend this book.

Les D.

5.0 out of 5 stars    Insightful & Thought-provoking!

Reviewed in the United States on May 31, 2021

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Mr. Ronen shares his personal experiences & journey as a result of face-to-face contact with Beings not necessarily from our dimension. Their insightful message of love, compassion, and warnings to humanity are brought out... and they may even be from our future to correct important issues facing us.

George Hernandez

5.0 out of 5 stars

Reviewed in the United States on March 30, 2021

This visionary book will need to be read and referenced by all who dare to face the mysterious realms of peak experiences within our consciousness and physical reality and to integrate what is perceived to be separate as ONENESS.

Customer Review


Oran Thaller

5.0 out of 5 stars 

The most important book written on the subject of aliens till today!

Reviewed in the United States on September 27, 2020

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This is without a doubt the most important book written on the subject of aliens.
There are thousands of different pieces of evidence for interactions between humans and aliens and/or UPOs. But such a physical encounter, with a full connection between human consciousness and alien consciousness, is a rare and historic event!
It is an encounter that opens an unprecedented and exciting window into understanding our world, understanding the dimension in which we live, and the laws of the entire universe, as well as its purpose.
I have no doubt that this book when it gets into the right hands - of those who deal with aliens on behalf of the authorities - it will have a revolutionary impact on the approach of scientists in the field.

it's a must-read book!

Reinerio Hernandez

5.0 out of 5 stars
 One of the most important books ever written about Contact with Non-Human Intelligence

Reviewed in the United States on December 25, 2020

I have read Yossi Ronen's book which I would rate a 10 out of 10. It is one of the most important books that has ever been written in the field of Contact with Non-Human Intelligence (NHI).
Most of his book was focused on one specific experience and his dissection of this experience over the last 30 years What I found fascinating was not just another person who has had direct physical contact with NHI, in Yossi's case 4 short "Small Greys", but that fact that Yossi had a "mind melt" with the actual unified consciousness of these "beings".
It was two experiences involving the same event—one involved his contact with these beings while he was having an Out of Body Experience (OBE) seeing his sleeping body directly above his bed and the second was once he awoke and had physical contact with these same beings.
First, like so many other UFO-related Contact Experiencers, this NHI is able to promote OBEs, a fact that was clearly detailed in the Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE Experiencer Research Study titled "Beyond UFOs".
An even more fascinating detail, which Yossi provides page after page discussion, was how he became ONE MIND with these beings-- he literally joined into their group consciousness.
This was absolutely fascinating. This topic was also discussed in my book "Beyond UFOs" but Yossi provides very specific details of this important phenomenon involving Nonlocal Consciousness contact with NHI.
I can go on and on with mind-blowing details but to learn more you will have to purchase this priceless book.
Reinerio (Rey) Hernandez, JD, MCP, Ph.D. Candidate and Director of CCRI, Consciousness, and Contact Research Institute.

5.0 out of 5 stars 
Reviewed in the United States on September 5, 2020, Snir Hadary

An inspiration to all ET intelligence seekers

At last, Yossi Ronen publishes his book "One" which describes a close encounter of the 3rd kind experience with non-human beings who visited him 40 years ago, and the insights and implications of the encounter that accompany him to this day.
I read the book with bated breath, beyond the fact that it is wonderfully written and detailed the story itself is amazing.
It is very reminiscent of other experiences I have heard of people who have experienced encounters of the third kind. The insights that emerge from the encounter resonate with many other sources, especially regarding the significance of the unity of consciousness and its importance in communication with the visitors.
It is also interesting how he overcame the initial fear and anxiety that has become a deep conscious connection, it has an encouraging message of unity and the ability to overcome the huge gaps between the different cultures.
Of particular interest is the apocalyptic message that Yossi received, which is also repeated in other sources, which warns us and reminds us of the responsibility placed on us as guardians of the planet.

Congratulations to Yossi for the effort and daring in publishing such a personal story, it is certainly an important mission and a milestone in exposing the existence of non-human intelligent ET cultures.


5.0 out of 5 stars 

One - book review

Reviewed in the United States on November 29, 2020

Verified Purchase 

One of the most concise and readable books I've read so far re: contact with non-human intelligence.
Beautiful and ultimately uplifting message, and a message that I feel humans are obligated to take seriously, especially in these times.
It always makes me laugh when people say, 'are there other intelligent beings out there?', as tho humanity displays the 'ultimate intelligence'. Given the mess we have made of most everything, I think it's pretty obvious that our intelligence is woefully lacking in all of the things that matter most on a cosmic scale, and our general lack of heart re: our planet, each other, and the universe at large is exceptionally telling as to our overall character.
We plunder and colonize for money and wealth and think nothing of taking, taking, taking from our planet, our atmosphere, and each other. We do not 'live', we only 'conquer', which shows the depth of our disconnection from all other life and the vastness of our competition. This book brings this all into focus re: the things we should be concentrating on in order to evolve and thrive as beings of the cosmos as we are meant to, but are not yet. I hope it is not too late to mend our ways and reverse the damage we have already done, and I am grateful to Yossi and for this book of his experiences.


5.0 out of 5 stars 

 Real and deeply moving

Reviewed in Germany on January 24, 2021

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Many of us read „alien“ and think fraud.

If you read this, you very likely sense, that in this unfathomably vast universe it is absolutely impossible for us humans to be the only existing beings there are.

The author describes his real-life encounter with extraterrestrial beings in such a relatable and compassionate way it leaves no doubt that this meeting not only has taken place but more importantly that what he’s learned might be helpful to all of us.

The message is simple yet deeply touching and moving.

If you want to expand your consciousness and help yourself grow this is a highly recommendable read.


5.0 out of 5 stars


Reviewed in the United Kingdom on March 5, 2021

Verified Purchase

Excellent book, a very interesting account of one man's experience in contact with ETs. He talks about consciousness and the meaning of life as well as the contact itself. The book is short but with so much info. I did not want to put the book down.

S Huston

4.0 out of 5 stars   Stretch your mind

Reviewed in the United States on May 31, 2021

I have read quite a few books on the ET experience and this one is the only one so far that regards it as an overall positive experience. While Mr. Ronen appears to be an exceptionally intelligent and talented person, he manages to work through the initial paralyzing fear he felt during his first encounter. I admire him for his ability to comprehend other realities and understand how our space and time can connect to theirs. However, I always wonder how the average Joe can ever comprehend the mental jump it would take to realize the connection between his sense of reality and the one Mr. Ronen proposes he take. And what about those who are mentally challenged either by no fault of their own or by artificial means.

I do have a college degree but it still takes me some mental stretching to grasp quantum physics and the space-time continuum. I enjoyed this book and am considering reading it again. I gave it four stars because he did not acknowledge nor address the negative aspects the visitors have had on others nor the possibilities of other visitor species.

Gloria Canning

5.0 out of 5 stars   Riveting and emotional

Reviewed in the United Kingdom on May 29, 2021

Verified Purchase

Fantastic read I could not put it down until the end.
It resonated so closely to my own experiences.
I highly recommend this book for any experencers out there ,or for those interested in this subject

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