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Writer's pictureיוסי רונן

The Telepathic tapes and The amazing connection to the the telepathic communication with the visitors

Telepathic communication between a child and an alien
Telepathic communication between a child and an alien

I highly recommend listening to the podcast - Telepathy tapes, this is its address: ---

Chapter fourteen from the book: ONE: Face-to-Face Contact, Experiencing ET Consciousness, and Human Consciousness Evolution by: Yossi Ronen

Chapter fourteen:

Telepathy and the Connection to One

When the visitors allowed me to telepathically connect with them, I was also connected to the consciousness of the other visitors in the room; they could also feel my consciousness, we were all connected.

This was a similar experience as to when my five senses worked cohesively for a while, through synesthesia, even after my contact.

An interesting explanation of the phenomenon in which each part is distinct from the whole – but also contains the whole, I discovered a few years later in Michael Talbot's amazing book, The Holographic Universe.

The scientific foundation of the book relies on the studies of the eminent theoretical physicist, David Bohm, and the brain researcher Karl Pribram.

In today's scientific world, the holographic principle is considered to be the foundation of many of the leading theories that explain not only the physical structure of reality, but the activity of the brain, consciousness, and the phenomena associated with it.

The author chose the name "holographic universe" (the term used by many scientists now) because of the similarity to the structure of the holographic image.

One of the aspects of a holographic image occurs if you divide it into parts, and every part of it, even the smallest - will contain the appearance of the complete image.

This book offers an understanding that every particle in the universe contains the information of the entire universe. Or as written in the book:

“Bohm believes the same is true at our own level of existence. Space is not empty. It is full, a plenum as opposed to a vacuum, and is the ground for the existence of everything, including ourselves. The universe is not separate from this cosmic sea of energy, it is a ripple on its surface, a comparatively small ‘pattern of excitation’ in the midst of an unimaginably vast ocean.”


 The Holographic Universe


Our conflict or difficulty in understanding this concept is due to the fact that there is no separation between consciousness and the brain - only difference.

 The consciousness that we experience, even if it is not a product of the brain, is ultimately experienced through the brain and its system of senses.

In other terms, we think and talk through our physical brain, it is cognitively difficult to understand how differentiation is possible without separation.

However, our usual, dual method of perception is essential to our normal day-to-day functioning.

At present, the ability to feel or to be aware of our consciousness beyond the dual conception of the brain usually occurs and is experienced only in exceptional cases such as leaving the body, at clinical death, in deep meditation, because of a head injury or an accident, (Certain cases of autism) and the like.

All of these actually silence or weaken the normal activity of the brain, to the point where we sometimes experience recognition beyond the cognitive control of the brain, beyond its normal dualistic separating concept.

The duality of the brain is also seen in that the brain is simply divided into two distinct parts, the right hemisphere, and the left hemisphere. The right is responsible for emotion, intuition, empathy, and creativity, and the left hemisphere is responsible for logic, language, rational, and analytical thinking.

It also seems that the right side of the brain elicits a wider scope of thinking before the left side selects, makes a preference, and decides to act in a certain way.

Even in meditation practice, in order to achieve the inner peace that allows connection to one’s higher consciousness, some practitioner work is required to quiet the thoughts, in fact, a silencing of the left "chattering" side of the brain. This side is also where our ego experience lives, (as opposed to the authentic self) and can often interfere with the functioning of the two lobes of the brain.

Our ability to connect to the “external” consciousness exists within us as a great potential, except that this ability must pass through the mediation of our brain. Therefore, this possibility could seem difficult and blocked at times.

I believe that removing this block is possible by connecting the different parts of the brain and not strengthening or silencing part of it.

Each of us can influence our own brain activity to allow this, and I believe that realizing and using this potential is critical for us.

I believe that freeing us from this block is also related to the purpose of the visitor's contact with us from ancient times to the present. The website of the Telepathy tapes:

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