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Ronen recounts his personal encounters with extraterrestrial beings and explores the profound impact these experiences had on his understanding of consciousness.
Through his first encounter at age 21, where he communicated telepathically with childlike green aliens, Ronen emphasizes the role of individual consciousness in shaping perceptions of such experiences.
He discusses the aliens' connection to a higher source of love and unity, which led him to reevaluate his beliefs about God and interconnectedness. The panel discussion highlights the potential for humanity's future transformation through open contact with extraterrestrials, advocating for empathy, self-discovery, and the recognition of our shared connections.

#UFO #alien #consciousness

ONE Yossi Ronen

We are not alone!!

Fascinating Interview between Stan Mallow and Yossi Ronen, who shares his personal experiences of direct contact with extraterrestrial beings.
onen recounts his first encounter at age 21, describing the beings' telepathic communication and their alternate-dimensional origin.
e discusses the profound impact of this experience on his beliefs, particularly regarding God and humanity's relationship with the environment. Ronen emphasizes the importance of consciousness and personal growth, suggesting that the extraterrestrials aim to guide humanity subtly while respecting free will.

#UFO #alien #consciousness #telepathy #paranormal #ETConsciousness #SpiritualAwakening #YossiRonen

My testimony to face-to-face meeting and communication with the visitors:

sharing Consciousness and communication in both aspects of our cognition.

the non-dual perception of reality, awareness of the oneness.

The angelic aspect of the visitors.

The visitor's natural awareness of the creator (or source of reality.)

The understanding of telepathy with the visitors. our strong and wide ability.

The manner of conveying the message from the visitors, and our freedom of choice.

The evolution of consciousness and the connection to the tree of the fruit of knowledge in the story of Paradise.

And much more...

GRANT CAMERON with Experiencer Yossi Ronen on his new book ONE

Connecting Superposition with Interdimensionals and Oneness

My testimony in an interview with Grant Cameron of a face-to-face encounter with Intelligent aliens.
recorded in 2019, about a year before the publication of the book "One"


In the first part of Grant's interview, we talk about these topics:

• The 2 stages of the encounter.
• the physical and mental impact Of the contact on me.

• The deep fear at the beginning of the encounter and the dealing with it.
• Telepathy and the connection to the visitor's consciousness.
• The perception and consciousness of the visitors.
• Their way of thinking and emotions.
• visitor's consciousness, love, the experience of - GOD.
• What do they think about us?
• The limit of my consciousness in front of the guests
• Their message/warning to humanity
• Where do they come from?
• Who they are, and our translation of it?
• Are we ready to meet them?

In the second part of Grant's interview, we talk about these topics:

• The differences in the perception of reality between them and us
• Separation versus oneness in consciousness
• Human language, modern science, and Quantum superposition
• The relation between meeting the guests and the clinical death experience
• Help and guidance through Aimed dreams with the visitors 
• The visitor's connection to creation. the one. GOD​

Contact with Interdimensional Beings - Yossi

GRANT CAMERON with Yossi Ronen
The connection between the encounter with the guests and ART

UFO - A true story of a face-to-face contact and Telepathic communication with the visitors

In this video, we talk about the encounter and communication they created through the direct connection to consciousness.
On our two basic states of consciousness and how we experience the encounter differently in these two states, how understanding this difference can help us better understand the encounter experience.

We delve deeper into understanding the guests' different perceptions of reality and the human consciousness and cognitive ability Like telepathy that is revealed during the meeting.

Ep 36: Yossi Ronen

April 9, 2021

Ep 36: Yossi Ronen

Episode Description

It was two experiences involving the same event—one involved his contact with these beings while he was having an Out of Body Experience (OBE) seeing his sleeping body directly above his bed and the second was once he awoke and had physical contact with these same beings. First, like so many other UFO-related Contact Experiencers, this NHI is able to promote OBEs, a fact that was clearly detailed in the Dr. Edgar Mitchell FREE Experiencer Research Study titled "Beyond UFOs". An even more fascinating detail, which Yossi provides page after page discussion, was how he became ONE MIND with these beings-- he literally joined into their group consciousness. This was absolutely fascinating. This topic was also discussed in my book "Beyond UFOs" but Yossi provides very specific details of this important phenomenon involving Nonlocal Consciousness contact with NHI. I can go on and on with mind-blowing details but to learn more you will have to purchase this priceless book.

everything-imaginable Podcast
Yossi Ronen - Alien Contact Dream Consciousness and Physical Encounter...
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